The atelier is concerned with Architectural Intelligence at building scale, promoting simulation as a point of departure for conceptual thinking and a methodology for presenting the flow of design construction, smart technologies, use and adaptation. This emergent knowledge field is fuelled by the increasing capacity and sophistication of computational processing that enables complex models to be developed that simulate our existence and cultural operation. We are poised on a threshold where systematic and holistic digital and ecological models will promote a paradigm shift in the concept of development as it is applied to operations across the built environment. Understanding the concept of ecology promotes the development of strategic attitudes to sustainability and ecologically viable approaches to building design, use and adaptation that meet the challenges or exceed the expectation of aspirations for our relationship with the environment in a global ecology.

The central theme this year was “Zero Carbon Futures/Future Growth Shrinkage”, to explore future MMU Campus developments ecologically with wider, city scale urban systems. The project, working with a ‘live client’ focussed on creating a dynamic and adaptable proposal for MMU Campus. We would like to thank our project consultants and industry partners for all their help, support, and humour along the way.