A Feminist Factory of Decompression

Le Corbusier’s unrealised ‘Radiant City’ conforms a structured masterplan of an ideological infrastructure where people seem to be treated like objects rather than individuals in a utopian fantasy. Placing my design at the peak of its hierarchy empowers my factory to challenge unhealthy workplace culture within the Corbusier towers.  

How you look after your personal space is a good reflection of how you look after yourself.

My scheme is a small part of a large issue. Space can trigger emotions that aren’t always positive. My manifesto reads- Research, Reflect, Revive. A process of finding a space that individuals are most comfortable. After enduring a pandemic, people have adjusted to working flexible hours from the comfort of their own home. People have also become more immune to social contact and giving people the opportunity to adjust themselves to being back in an office space is highly important. Making architecture empathic is a priority.