Future Technologies

Responding to the brief, the primary function of my scheme will be the continuity of Preston Guild – a place to establish a new craft economy in the area – a place to learn, research, make, build, and trade. My approach specifically develops the programme around future technologies, as well as hodology, the study of pathways, taking the tradition of the Guild into the future. Combining the theory of hodology and analysing the movement of people in and around the existing site allow for my programme to incorporate key pathways through the site, and drive engagement in the scheme. Further, the merging of continuity and future technologies allows for an adaptive and resilient approach, making the structures multifunctional and keeping them relevant past their life span.

The proposed buildings are a dynamic and individual collection of spaces for these functions with a series of other important spaces, to support the primary functions of the users. These programme specific spaces include: a manufacturing space, a material research lab, an educational space with workshop, a technical library, and a café and shop. The combination of these spaces provide a collaborative and inclusive area for innovative design and manufacture, alongside which providing an immersive learning experience. This relationship between spaces, and the open and public facing nature of the scheme overall allow for a programme that increases the cultural significance of the site, and enhances the heritage value. It also brings a socially engaging element to the city centre, turning the existing site into a node within the city, and a site of interest.