Breaking the Barriers

Using the 5 senses as a drive through the different phases of design as a tool to reconnect our city. Through the physical industrial barrier and the psychological barrier of the elevated railway, to connect the people of Manchester through the elevated barriers to help with people’s mental wellbeing.

Phase 1 - Cycle 0-12 months

A market place with an interactive pavilion as an abstract introduction to our 5 senses. As well as reconnecting Piccadilly Station and Mayfield, breaking through its dark barriers.

Phase 2 - Cycle 1-5 years

Restoring the abandoned arches, by dedicating each arches to a specific senses. Creating an immersive experience, opening up the benefits of each senses and our mental wellbeing.

Phase 3 - Cycle 5 years+

Establishing a community centre, that provide a safe environment for people to talk with the reconnection of their mental wellbeing.