Neurological Renaissance

This thesis project investigates the reimagination of the neurological economy in gambling, through retrospective stimulative spaces and discouraging gambling through manipulative urban interventions, to fight against gambling marketing and the unethical trade of the gambling industry.

Through deconstructing the stages of a gambling journey, from walking to a bookmakers to losing a bet, I analysed the stages of neurological stimulations and tried reforming the execution of dopamine, endorphins and serotonin through spatial qualities that encourage healthier & mental reformatory behaviours.

To reduce the manipulative propaganda of the gambling industry that is targeted towards high streets in deprived UK high streets, I proposed equally manipulative spaces that aim to counteract the encouragement of gambling on a high street. The manipulative spaces have been deconstructed and reformed from Gordon Cullen’s idealistic serial visions in his publication ‘The Concise Townscape’.

I integrated image generative AI engines within my work to illustrate the capabilities of AI in the Architecture industry. As I believe there is a whole new step to introduce into the design conceptualisation stage with the integration of image generative AI engines, as it’s quick image generation can provide countless iterations of concepts, with abilities to alter details like styles, material, environments, forms, population etc. in seconds.