EEPM_City (Energy Efficient Planning Mode within City)

Manchester would like to achieve carbon neutrality ahead of schedule in 2038. To achieve this goal, MCC wants to regenerate one of the areas called Eastern Gateway. CPU_ai, as a consultant, wants to give the client the freedom to adapt the city plan to its needs and to obtain the relevant data to reference the realization of a zero-carbon city through a parametric approach.

Due to the present limitations of building technology and materials, it is challenging for cities to develop without producing carbon emissions. To achieve the goal of a zero-carbon city, we tried to offset the unavoidable carbon with renewable energy. In this project, we will conduct a design experiment that attempts to achieve a long-term equilibrium between energy generation, consumption, and emissions in a new constructed environment.
We finally designed a software as a bridge between city developers and urban designers. The client can generate different rough urban plans and related data by combining conditions freely. These results (land use, area density, etc.) are then transferred to the designer for further design reference.