
As an industry, landscape architecture has both the power and the responsibility to play a pivotal role in mitigating the effects of the climate crisis. The reality is that climate breakdown doesn’t exist in isolation and is interconnected with the social injustices we see across our society – injustices being exacerbated by the effects of a changing climate. Throughout my Masters I have enjoyed learning the skills landscape architects utilise to find solutions, and have found my own personal activist experience integral in scrutinising these. My personal activism is centred around land justice and advocacy for equitable nature connection, which you will see reflected across my portfolio. This online exhibition showcases my latest studio project from the feminist studio atelier PRAXXIS.

Right to Reclaim

My project Right to Reclaim has three elements; the history of land justice, contemporary land ownership and access in England, and a solution to these issues spatialised in a festival of reclamation.

Inspired by the Right to Roam movement, the objectives of my festival were to inform, inspire, and activate stakeholders to be empowered to join the land reform movement. Interactive elements of the festival informed people of land justice issues, structures enabled forms of trespass, and by reimagining this English Heritage site people could experience the landscape in new ways. As this project was designed to create collective responsibility for the land, it was often challenging to find a democratic balance between the role of a landscape architect and ensuring equity for the community’s interests. This ethical conundrum I explore further in my portfolio.