The Brain Drain Train, Next Stop Stoke-on-Trent

The proposal aims to eliminate social deprivation within the 6 founding towns of Stoke-on-Trent by reintroducing regional manufacturing transformed by technology, attracting and retaining graduates and creating opportunities for disadvantaged locals. Despite its industrial heritage as the international home of pottery, Stoke-on-Trent is the 17th most deprived area in England. There is also a sever Brain Drain with very low graduate retention. 

The proposal is a craft and technology incubator which is located in the on of the six founding towns; Burslem. The name of this proposal, 'The institute of Craft and Technology'. The proposal has three main objectives; the creation of new craft and technology, the implementation of new craft and technology into existing manufacturing businesses within abandoned factories and facilitating social infrastructure for the development of Burslem. The Project works across 3 phases within Burslem with the first being the Institute, the reuse of the Price and Kensington (an adjacent abandoned pottery factory) and the development and introduction of Social infrastructure in the immediate vicinity. 

The design is based on the historic vernacular of Stoke-on-Trent’s pottery industry with Pottery kilns, chimneys and factories nuanced within a multi-building proposal.

The Following drawings are set now, visualising the Institute of Craft and Technology in operation and the reuse of Price and Kensington and development of infrastructure in construction.