The Tree of Life Institute

“Tree of Life” philosophy symbolises life, growth, connection, and unity by representing how everything in the universe is interconnected and how all forms are rooted in the same essence. In the context of the built environment, the philosophy merges the natural and human-made environments in a harmonious and sustainable way. The proposal intents to strengthen the bond between nature, humans, and their well-being by following the philosophy’s principles through a generative and biophilic design strategy. 

The “Tree of Life” Institute finds itself in the centre of Manchester’s student community. It pursues the journey of integrating biodiversity while focusing on the individuals’ general state of well-being. Starting from an analytical approach, my design develops into a sanctuary boosting connectivity between users, environment, and architecture. The Institute preserves a linear character empowering the interconnection of programmes through vegetation. 

Being passionate about the human and plant cells evolution and their similarity, my design proposal incorporates my enthusiasms through the concept’s identity. The façade, parametrically designed to portray cell multiplication, serves as a fundamental component in controlling thermal comfort and optimizing solar gains throughout the year. Adopting an organic and sustainable approach for core structural elements intents to enrich the architectural character while simultaneously integrating the building in the surrounding environment. 

This project enabled me to explore innovative techniques of designing through biophilic and parametric strategies. The “Tree of Life” Institute promotes mental health and wellbeing by incorporating the philosophy into the built environment. It creates spaces that respect the natural world, foster human health, and enhances a sense of community connection and sustainability. 3D modelling and representation software such as Rhinoceros 3D, Grasshopper, Twinmotion and Enscape enabled me to articulate my vision in alternative ways that surpass the limitations of traditional hand drawing. As I continue my architectural journey, I am eager to enhance my expertise in sustainable design methodologies, particularly through employing parametric and biophilic tactics.