When most people think of buildings, they think of rectangular structures—or, at the absolute least, structures with orthogonal floor plans and harsh angles—certainly not circular constructions. Similarly, the built environment is the first thing that springs to mind when people think of architecture - not a forest or a jungle. Circular planes with a strong design can have a dramatic effect, resulting in extraordinary spatial combinations that suit a variety of aesthetic and practical objectives while also challenging the material specification process.'Nature Come Home' mixes a CLT structure with a natural environment rich in biodiversity through the unique design of indoor and outdoor gardens that interconnect with each other. Originally a communal garden shop, the structure now houses a two-story cafe with views of the plants of the River Medlock which celebrates the river and brings it back to life by exposing it to visitors. The river is crossed by a bridge that allows pedestrians and visitors to enter a community hall that may be reserved at any time by guests. After conducting interviews around Mayfield to better understand people's needs in the region, the community hall was included later in the design process. Mayfield, according to several workers from nearby breweries, requires an area where people can meet, sing, and dine together. That's how the community hall concept was born. The journey through the building becomes a tour through Mayfield's nature, presenting users with an immersive visual and sensory experience.