I'm developing generative and design parametric tools fusing technological advancements into real world architectural solutions. My university master thesis lays out a design foundation of a building framework for a carbon negative approach through new computational methods and new science approaches. 

The project sets out to address the carbon emission issues within the built environment using biomass energy generation methods. Through exploration of advanced massing forms generated by multi-facet computational tools; a comprehensive analysis by means of solar gain could be made. Through complex parameter inputs and urban block design rules, an automated metamorphose process generated thousands of form iterations evolving towards maximum solar access within an urban block. Modules were then designed through structural grid placements for mixed-use typologies and allocated into the massing form, via stochastic aggregation, and then controlled via field rules for optimal use. The complex tool was then developed within a game engine to create an interactive platform presenting users the ability to explore in real-time the developed outputs from massing to final design and virtual reality experiences both external and internal. Parallel to the computation the calculations of all embodied and operational carbon were used to develop reduction strategies like carbon sequestration and selective materials within a temperate climate.

The purpose of this project was to conclude if it was possible to create carbon negative architecture that could be adapted for multiple sites leading towards utilisation of decentralised systems that can change our current built environment for a cleaner future.