Gender and ecology are both intrinsically linked to architectural space regarding comfort and design. My project takes a feminist stance in designing a space for women and minority groups as a way to increase human closeness with nature. Ecological empathy is an inherently feminist issue as women are often underrepresented in green spaces and therefore do not have as many ways of interracting with nature that they may be comfortable with. I aimed to create a nurturing community for all, including the non-human by embracing urban rewilding and a symbiotic integration of nature and biodiversity into our built environment. By taking a non-traditional learning approach, and seeking to involve marginalised members of the community, the Feminist School of Ecology will create a safe space for participants to enjoy and learn about the natural world. By feeling concern for non-human entities, this will hopefully increase the empathy we have for eachother and provide a means to connect with all living things.