About Me

I am interested in how computational design can be used to enhance the traditional design process, with a particular focus on how digital tools and techniques can be used to help acheive sustainability goals and socio-economic issues. Due to growing concerns caused by the ongoing climate emergency, I believe that it is imperative for architects to take into account environmental issues as a key concern when designing buildings.

Thesis Project: The A2ZCEG Model

We developed our thesis project as a group, guided by the aims of our clients, Manchester City Council and the Far East Consortium, to develop the Northern Gateway regeneration project - one of the largest regeneration projects in the UK. We applied a computational framework which incorporated generative design and urban theory to tackle the complex topic of homelessness and its ingrained link to the ongoing climate emergency. We wanted to challenge the current development model by producing a generative model which was sustainable environmentallly, while also accomodating those in society who most need housing.

As a result, we have developed the AZCEG model; an urban generative model creating zero carbon solutions to urban sites whilst housing low-income families and the homeless. Through research and iterative testing, we used existin benchmarks to ensure that we are providing the optimal solution in our generated designs. We aim for this tool to challenge the existing design-process model which favours expensive market housing, developer interests and profit margins as opposed to sustainability goals and social housing agendas.