Urban Forest

Project by Jiao Xie, Junjie Su, Siyu Xie, Menghan Chen

This project is driven by the Northern Gateway Regeneration Framework and lead by the Manchester City Council, the Fast East Consortium International Limited, and CPU atelier. In this project, we attempt to build an urban planning tool, a generative design system, to establish a well-connected urban green space network in a growing urban area to address landscape fragmentation that negatively impacts residents' wellbeing and local biodiversity. The tool would use the Northern Gateway as a case study application to explore a new urban planning approach that can be implemented anywhere globally.

There are eight steps to use the tool. First, the user can keep the existing elements and choose one of four scenarios to develop his or her cities. Then in step 3, patch dynamic, agent-based model, and circle packing are applied to manage the spatial relationship between the urban functional elements- residential, commercial, amenity, and green areas. Next, the tool will provide five methods of grid system to generate the road network in step 4 (which I am in charge of). After allocating the function of the land, the user can place various building typologies that originate from the local typologies research on the site. Finally, the Urban Green Factor and wellbeing and biodiversity indicators are used to assess and score whether the generation city meets the green planning criteria and solves the landscape fragmentation problem.

In a nutshell, this tool is a generative design example that aims to improve the resident's wellbeing and local biodiversity by creating a well-connected green network in urban planning. To know more about the tool and the final proposal, please click the videos to view the interface and the walkthrough.

For the full portfolio of the project: https://issuu.com/397924106/docs/urbanforest