Designing a housing project is much more than about providing homes. People and their activities surrounding their places of residence have the greatest versatility that I believe the best residential architecture projects should encourage and celebrate. 

My aim in this project is to create a residential community that is targeting self-sufficieny in terms of individual food production and positive energy generation through a community-wide skillshare experience. This experience incorporates urban farming and fitness skillshare facilities. I believe that positive social interactions enforced by this skillshare experience and the staggered "social balcony" can build more trust among the residents, which in turn can lead to a stronger integration of the different types of residents living there.

My biggest interest in architecture lies in its people and the most ordinary aspects of their lives. I believe in the power of architecture to tell the different stories that exists in the world. I seek to discover problems that exists among the differences in society and ameliorate them.