A Modular Co-Housing Scheme in Old Trafford

As a member of the feminist atelier PRAXXIS, my project has a strong social agenda, tackling problems such as homelessness, loneliness within an ageing demographic and accessibility of education programmes. The modular scheme and house typologies were designed around three main actors: an ex-homeless person, an older person, and a ‘family’; whether this is the traditional nuclear family or otherwise, with a shared cooking and living facilities hub. Each module fits on a 6x6 grid and is constructed from prefabricated Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) slot into a timber frame for ease of construction, adaptability, and sustainability.

In the current climate, being environmentally conscious is of paramount importance so I have implemented strategies such as a Sustainable Urban Drainage (SUD) pond which will not only benefit the current drainage system but also provides an aesthetically pleasing piece of landscaping that will encourage biodiversity over time. The scheme also includes a community workshop & art studios which provides opportunities for people to upskill, a large community garden with allotments for all the residents, and a nature reserve, as gardening and being surrounded by nature has proven to help with mental wellbeing.