"Our brains aren’t tireless three-pound machines; they’re easily fatigued. When we slow down, stop the busywork, and take in beautiful natural surroundings, not only do we feel restored, but our mental performance improves too.” - David L Strayer, a cognitive neuroscientist.

Comprised of multiple open-air floors to provide a multi-sensory experience to users that psychologically stimulates creativity, encourages users to be active throughout the building, the building welcomes nature back into the building and connects the users to the elements and the environments orchestra. This high rise project attempts to address how design can mitigate the arising health and wellbeing issues that impact employees in an office environment. The project is informed by a collection of thesis' titled the Imperfect Health that details the negative symptoms an employee can have when working a stationary job such as the increase in probability for contracting diabetes, being affected by the sick building syndrome and spinal injury. The design groups together facilities such as the printing room, meeting areas and other office facilities to maximise the amount of rentable space in the office but most importantly to create a large breakout space that would stimulate the mind. Not only does the building affect the users but due to its semi-public nature, weaves itself into the existent community. The shared facilities can also be accessed by the community, increasing productivity within the building and social interaction thus helps with the mental health of the users. The building’s landscaping is focused on hosting community breathing new life through the vast public park that effectively compensates for the lack of green in the surrounding area. The office becomes not only a place for work but a lively hotspot for social productivity and nurtures the connections of the multiple species community.