A qualified architect and retrofit coordinator, I currently work part-time for Loop Systems (MCAU) on community and residential/retrofit projects and teach one day a week at Manchester School of Architecture. I have a particular interest in cohousing and codesign and with Loop have worked on developing methods for cocreating community spaces with older people including for social housing (Hopton Court) and an over 50s cohousing group in Chorlton.

My previous experience was in the residential, housing and education sectors.

Academically, I gained a first in my part I degree, a distinction in part 2 and represented the Manchester School of Architecture in the RIBA bronze medals 2013.

Architecturally, I hope to find ways to address the climate emergency and social justice through architecture. I am interested in people-centred design, designing from people's narratives in a collaborative way and reusing existing buildings, achieving continuity of place. I am interested in cooperative forms of building such as cohousing and coworking, housing and community schemes and looking at addressing social issues such as fuel poverty. I also believe architecture needs to embrace technology to do the dull stuff and work on closing the performance gap - but by also considering people and behaviour.