My Year 6 thesis project explores the new meaning of architectural transparency in the post-pandemic era. The findings were presented through the design of the Young People Centre in the Whitworth Park area of Manchester. 

My interest in architectural transparency came from the 1:1 model I made in Studio 1. Through my research in Studio 1 and the design of the transparent pavilion, it became clear that architectural transparency can facilitate communication between people and blur the boundaries of buildings and sites. The model experiment shows four methods to achieve architectural transparency.

In Studio 2 and Studio 3, I implemented the results of model experiments from Studio 1 into the design of the Young People Centre. The design aims to meet the needs of Manchester's young people, transform the inequalities and poverty they face due to the pandemic, and meet the Manchester city development goals in 2022. The design responds to the local context of Manchester and demonstrates the positive impact of architectural transparency on building design in a post-pandemic era.