Vertical Urban Village

Vertical Urban Village - Exploring the Model of Urbanization in China. This project aims to urbanize the urban village while preserving its cultural essence, imparting urban characteristics and vitality to the city. Taking the Tencent Building in Shenzhen as an example, the project deconstructs the elements of the urban village and reconstructs the Tencent Building, establishing a vertical urban village.

Wild design is a design approach where non-professionals utilize existing resources to create designs, prioritizing functional efficiency over high-level aesthetic pursuits. In the context of China's urbanization process, urban villages are an important component with unique phenomena and characteristics. Urban villages retain advantages such as affordable prices, friendliness towards young people and migrant workers, and rich historical and cultural features. However, the transformation and demolition of urban villages also give rise to various issues, including gentrification, rising housing prices, and resident displacement. Through wild design, the strengths of urban villages can be magnified and utilized as important resources and features in urban development. It can reorganize and reconstruct the fragmented spatial structure of urban villages, creating a distinctive urban environment that adds diversity and creativity to the urbanization process. Furthermore, wild design can break away from traditional design paradigms by emulating the lifestyle and design principles of urban village residents, creating urban spaces that better meet people's needs. It incorporates elements of folk art and folk culture, providing a more humanized urban experience. 

In summary, wild design can extract design elements and features from urban villages and apply them in urban design, resulting in unique and innovative urban environments. The flexibility and individuality of wild design enable it to better reflect the diversity and changes in China's urbanization process.