Project: [Enter]Change

For me architecture is a discipline that encompasses all affairs of life, but there is a strong need to be physically unified in a world that’s shrinking. With global and national targets, I have a desire to connect both people and their context. As a [CPU]ai student this idea has continued to develop, especially through the scope of computational approaches. Regarded as a unique skillset, being able to utilise tools such as Grasshopper and Python can aid to facilitate the transfer of complex information, efficiently and accurately. In the case of my final year, this was paramount for establishing a framework for accessibility, whilst also prioritising a zero-carbon agenda on an urban scale. 

My project (worked on as a group of 4) focused on the importance of the climate emergence, and the need for societal progress in city making. With infrastructural congestion and community segregation, the issues closely linked to mobility, urban accessibility and the quality of the built environment. Thus, in conjunction with the philosophy of the ‘Three Ecologies’, the intent of this project was to provide an Inclusive Social Cohesion.

Through research and analysis, data suggests the current climate trajectory will have negative impacts to the environment, therefore a change is necessary now. Our project investigated the different stakeholders involved in the decision planning of a city and how we could develop computational tools as a means of iterative designing to shift towards: integration of communities and improved social network, with a zero-carbon approach. Looking at offsetting both embodied and operational carbon, through the aid of generative energy methods, the aim was to find the right set of variables to provide a solution that would reach net-zero the fastest, whilst also providing the best accessibility within the context of a 15-minute neighbourhood.