For my final year project, I explore the theme of “Resistance towards social media” and purposes a cycling route. “The Line” located around Greater Manchester as an extension to the redeveloped Fallowfield Loop, to promotes and encourages cycling, advocating a healthy lifestyle with cycling as the alternate activity that provides a dopamine rush while improving our mental well-being. In short, the 59.5km route comprised of varied cycling environments for cyclists at different levels consists of nine stations acting as rest stops located at various points of interest, highlighting and revealing some of the most hidden gems and sites.

Marching into the 21st century where industries and economies has entered the era of full scale automation. The design and construction industry has inevitably followed the path of mass production and homogenous design to save cost and time in order to maximise profit. These homogenous design has force humans to both work and live in undesirable uniform spaces leading us to look at more desirable contents on our smart phone which is also programed to make us like advertised products.

What I am interested is how do we break this vicious cycle, us as architects must think of design not as machines to live and work in, but as spaces design specifically for the users to think and dwell upon. What I want to explore more upon my future works is how can we design user oriented buildings which take care of the mental wellbeing of the users whilst being respectful to the surrounding environment and be cost effective at the same time.