My project aims to create a smooth transition from urban to green spaces in Shrewsbury, acting as a gateway between the town and the park. It also seeks to rediscover and revive less active areas of the park by creating more pleasant, communal spaces. The three key building units consist of co-working spaces for students or independent professionals, library areas with study rooms, and the town council offices. The project targets a variety of age groups, making this part of the park more appealing and inviting.

The building form takes inspiration from Shrewsbury’s characteristic cityscape, aiming to smoothly embrace the change in levels and celebrate it by replicating it both internally and externally. The gradual change in materials - heavily glazed and lightweight timber combination on the co-working unit, to heavy masonry bricks on the council offices’ unit informs the passersby about the privacy and function of each building.

The project creates a number of open public spaces, this way reestablishing and celebrating the strong and close sense of community in Shrewsbury.