The presented thesis is a group collaboration with Celeste Abayomi, exploring the creation of diverse environments through the use of computational tools. The thesis began with a proposal for the serpentine pavilion which explored how form can be created and iterated through image processing. Diversity occurred within the control of the lighting conditions inside the pavilion. Using a genetic algorithm we iterated through a range of design options, choosing an optimal form that displayed the highest lighting and shadow spots.

The following project, built on the skills we developed progressing to an urban design scheme. The proposal set out to create a high programmatic diversity, improving connections to its context, while having a high urbanity. The project fell under the umbrella of a new urbanism framework, using Manchester's predicated expansion plans for creating a world-class city by 2025. We developed an iterative urban design system, with the capacity to create an integrated road network, existing to proposed, self organise building types, generate building typologies, and accommodate for mixed-use buildings. We used a range of theoretical approaches to achieve this, graph theory for context analysis, Frei Otto's network path optimisation for road creation and form syntax to calculate urbanity, consisting of mixed-use index, space syntax, and space matrix. The final design proposal was developed using principles from Kevin Lynch's imageability. 

Personal Profile:

I am an aspiring computational designer seeking employment as a part 2 architectural assistant. During my MArch I worked as a sessional lecturing teaching digital skills predominantly Revit to undergraduate students. I am fluent in Grasshopper, proficient at Rhino with a basic knowledge of Python. I have an interest in design complexity and wish a career working within at the forefront of design innovation. 

For more information regarding any of the work showcased please feel free to get in touch.