The Belfast Collage. 

My Thesis project explores the urban design theory and principles of Colin Rowe’s Collage City, as a theoretical driver for the design process at three different scales: a strategic city framework; a masterplan site; and then a detailed public space. A group analysis of Belfast developed a fundamental understanding of the city and context in which this project takes place and produced a series of key framework objective: Heritage; Movement; Mono-Use; Density; Identity; Space. This project set a specific focus on the issues of heritage and identity within the city, developing a solution to issues within these topics through a Collage City response. Using the principle of Collage City:

-       An integrated movement network within the city.

-       Reactive layering or ‘collaging’ of old and new elements within the City.

-       Hierarchy of ownerships within open and green spaces.

-       A city that is modern & traditional, real & fantasy, functional but also fantasy.

Using this theory to provide a creative design solution to these issues, at varying scales. Whilst also exploring the extent to which this theory can be applied, through the distillation of the ideas within the theory and use of key set-pieces within a proposed masterplan, framework or public realm design. Taking the abstract elements such as the Nostalgic Producing Instruments, Memorable streets and Stabilizers used by Rowe’ Plan Game and applying them to a real-world situation and context.